India’s largest & the most trusted kitchen appliances brand has launched yet another revolutionary and first of its kind product ‘Microchef’. Microchef is a pressure cooker specifically designed for the Microwave Ovens and promises to transform the outlook of kitchens with its ease of use and time management. With this, the usage of Microwave Ovens could be maximized in Indian kitchen which is otherwise used only as a re-heating device. Microchef brings the unique combination of microwave oven and pressure cooking to offer the best of healthy food in a jiffy. Prestige Microchef preserves the nutrients that are otherwise lost using an open vessel in a microwave oven. Microchef cooks a complete meal of any cuisine be it Indian or International, sprouts, dal, channa or any assortment of meal. It also helps in speedy cooking, up to 40% faster than the open vessel in a microwave oven thus saving both time and energy.
Microchef has been equipped with a set of 5 comprehensive safety features such as gasket offset device which ensures that pressure does not build unless it is properly closed, pressure membrane regulator automatically releases the excess pressure while cooking, the safety plug – in case the pressure indicator ceases to work, this two-in-one device releases the excess pressure, visual pressure indicator – the safety plug comes up to indicate pressure inside the cooker and the anti-clogging mesh ensures that food does not clog up the pressure regulator, allowing it to function without problems. Commenting on the new introduction, Mr. S Ravichandran - Managing Director, TTK Prestige said, ‘’Prestige has always been on top when it comes to consumer preferences and Microchef is one such product which was created to suit the growing needs of Indian women. It is the most unique kitchen product to be launched ever by any brand and Microchef is also the world’s first CE complaint microwave pressure cooker. All the components are microwave permeable & food compatible and meets all the relevant international standards. Maximum utility of microwave ovens, energy saving, rapid, easy and unattended cooking are the USP’s of the product and we are extremely confident that Microchef would be well accepted by our consumers.”
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