The Mediterranean Bison Burger is unique due to Spinach & Artichoke Hummus as a topping. If you are a meatloaf lover, you will go crazy for the Grilled Meatloaf Burgers. At one time “where’s the beef?” was one of the best-known phrases in America. Wendy’s ad campaign, inspired by Alan Hilburg, was a huge success. Now Hilburg has a new customer in the Alexandria public school district. He has been hired by Superintendent Mort Sherman to improve the relationship between the community and the school system. The school district, located in northern Virginia, has not performed well in recent years. Sherman and Hilburg hope to devise a program that will encourage community participation, and most importantly, additional financial support. Local schools are faced with budget shortfalls and increasing demands for higher quality education as well as improved performance on nationwide tests. Their response is to find ways to raise money. Many have been successful finding private sources for grants and donations.
Hilburg’s focus is to create more forums for interaction between citizens in Alexandria and the schools. He is looking for experiential involvement to develop connections at a more emotional level.
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